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Patterson Office Supplies

Address: 201 Kenyon Rd / PO Box 9009
Business Activity: Manufacturer
Phone: 217-351-5400
Toll Free: 800-637-1140
Fax: 217-351-5413
This company is located in the Central Time Zone and the office is currently Closed

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Patterson Office Supplies

Commercial offset printing, typesetting & binding services Bronzing or gilding or edging or deckling, Velo binding services, Case making services, Thread stitch bookbinding, Spiral binding, Glued binding, Comb or clamp type binding, Binding restoration or repair, Letterpress or screen printing

Estimated Shipping Rates from
Champaign, Illinois to

These costs are an estimate and cannot be used as actual shipping costs. Please contact Patterson Office Supplies for a complete quote with shipping costs.
Shipment Type Estimated Price
Pallet $85
Partial Dry Van $1300

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