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Pflow Industries Inc

Address: 6720 N Teutonia Ave
Business Activity: Manufacturer / Service / Exporter
Phone: 414-352-9000
Fax: 414-352-9002
This company is located in the Central Time Zone and the office is currently Closed

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Pflow Industries Inc

Pflow pioneered the vertical reciprocating conveyor (VRC) product class in 1977 and, through superior design and service, remains the industry leader with over 15,000 systems worldwide. Our core products are custom-engineered lifts designed to move material of all shapes, sizes and weights and provide complete lifting solutions for any application. Given an application, we'll deliver a solution--for mezzanines, balconies, or through-floor; multi-level and multi-directional; interior or exterior. We guarantee code approval in all 50 states and offer an unmatched warranty. Pflow was the first in the VRC industry and we intend to remain the best in the business.

What are Vertical Reciprocating Conveyors?
Vertical Reciprocating Conveyors move materials in factories, warehouses, industrial plants, institutions or anywhere that products or supplies need to move from one level to another. Vertical Reciprocating Conveyors are not elevators. In fact, they have their own national code (ANSI/ASME B20.1) and are specifically exempt from the national elevator code. Vertical Reciprocating Conveyors provide fast, efficient, convenient and safe access to/from mezzanines, balconies, basements, and between levels in multiple story buildings. They can be installed for through-floor, interior or exterior applications. The principal components of Vertical Reciprocating Conveyors include guide columns, carriage and a mechanical or hydraulic actuating mechanism.

Custom Designed for Your Needs
Pflow Industries has the engineering capabilities, experience and technical know-how to solve a myriad of vertical lifting problems. We have designed vertical lifts to move materials that weigh 1 lb. to over 200,000 lbs … with carriages from 30 x 30 inches to 60 x 60 feet … vertical heights from 4 feet to over 200 feet. We have built large load work platforms, over and under equipment for assembly lines, hopper transfer systems and much more. At Pflow, we know each vertical lift application is unique. That’s why we address every detail of every job. We carefully analyze your needs, cover all design & construction issues, provide complete code-approved engineered drawings and deliver unmatched, ongoing service support. Our experienced engineers will design a vertical lift tailored to your needs. Our focus has always been on safety and advanced technology – and creating solutions for specific vertical material handling problems. No other manufacturer provides the kind of application-oriented solution you’ll get from Pflow.

Estimated Shipping Rates from
Milwaukee, Wisconsin to

These costs are an estimate and cannot be used as actual shipping costs. Please contact Pflow Industries Inc for a complete quote with shipping costs.
Shipment Type Estimated Price
Pallet $85
Partial Dry Van $1200
48' or 53' Dry Van Truckload $1550

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